Key Details on Review Of National Guidelines
The Australian Government has tasked the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) with reviewing existing guidelines and developing new ones for the care of trans and gender diverse people.
The NHMRC has recently published key details on this important project, set to unfold over the next few years:
The development process is expected to take approximately 3 years.
Interim advice on puberty blockers is anticipated to be available by mid-2026.
The NHMRC will employ a rigorous, evidence-based approach to guideline development.
The guidelines, once drafted, will be issued for public comment and consultation.
The update also states that "Other opportunities for input are likely".
All interested stakeholders can subscribe to updates via a contact form on the page.
The Federal Government’s announcement of the review into Australia's trans treatment guidelines by the NHMRC came right on the heels of the LNP Queensland Government’s announcement of a state-level inquiry into youth gender medicine, and has sparked a wide range of reactions.
Genspect Australia has cautiously welcomed the announcement of the NHMRC review while stressing that the integrity of any new guidelines rests on the appropriate selection of review panel members.
Trans activist organisations Equality Australia and AusPATH welcomed the NHMRC review as an opportunity to ensure evidence-based care continues for trans and gender-diverse youth.
However, AusPATH strongly criticized Queensland's state-level inquiry and interim ban on puberty blockers. In an op-ed published in The Age, AusPATH wrote:
"The Queensland government's recent decision to suspend new prescriptions of gender-affirming hormone therapy while it conducted its own review is a dangerous example of this – one that places young lives at risk and sent a harmful message that trans young people's healthcare could be debated and delayed for political convenience."